The Early Years                         

(Click for The Eighties)

It all started with a letter in the very first issue of Tail Corn (1976). Hugh Surridge, landlord of The Hoops, asked if there was anyone out there "willing to have a go". There was! The first production was "Sorry, Wrong Number" in April 1977. Then in October 1977, the Eversden Players staged " A Rogue in a Bed" by R.E.Mitchell and " The Rose and Crown" by J.B.Priestley. Lynne Clark produced  " A Rogue in a Bed" and Mavis Spooner produced " The Rose and Crown". Douglas Trueman and Roger Aspin stage-managed and Fiona Ellis looked after the make-up. Special effects was the preserve of Richard Ellis. Tickets were 25p! The whole event was something of a family affair (as it is today) as this list (opposite) of participants will show:

 Mavis Spooner wrote in the Winter Tail Corn that the event was a sell-out. The Eversden Players were up and running.

Steve and Sylvia Sullivan, Fiona and David Ellis, Millicent and Richard Ellis, Valerie and Douglas Trueman, Robert and Jane Suttle, together with John Hastings, Hugh Surridge, Caroline Brennan, Vera Germany, Graham Lees, and Vera Presland.


No programme has turned up so far for " The Tea Cosy", five short sketches, performed in April 1978, but in November that year the Players put on " The Camel's Back" by Arnold Helsby. Angela Fordham made her debut in this production as did Paul Tebbit, Pam Clarke and Hugh Wood.

Click below for

Extracts from the Ellis Album

and Extracts from the Bidwell Scrapbook


There were three productions in 1979. " The End of the Honeymoon" by Sam Bate was the first (April). Neville Bidwell had been roped in by this time as an actor and, along with David Ellis, set-maker. Lynne Clark had a rest from directing to play Vi Redfern and Vera Germany directed. Jill, Christopher and Helen Geering were involved behind the scenes. Betty Mallows was called in to do the catering.

"A Midsummer Medley" in June was an evening of music and drama. Musical performances from the Eversden Singers, Andrew Sclater and Chris Geering, Hugh Wood, and Richard Baxter and Eve and Wynne Godley. This was followed by " Pyramus and Thisbe". The men were played by Julian Child, Stephen Sullivan, Hugh Wood, Paul Tebbit, Chris Geering, and Neville Bidwell. The Ladies of the Court were Joan Brennan, Millicent Ellis, and Gaye Ferguson. (The sight of Hugh Wood scaling the balcony almost did for some of the audience!)

Another medley in November. The Eversden Players' contributions to the evening were " The Ugly Duckling" by A.A.Milne produced by Fiona Ellis, and " Maria Marten" or "The Murder in the Red Barn" produced by Stephen Sullivan (the audience was urged to hiss the villain!) Liz Laurie appeared in the first play together with David Ellis, Sylvia Sullivan, Robert Suttle, Gaye Ferguson, Julian Child, and Neville Bidwell. Hugh Wood played William Corder in " Maria Marten". The other players were Hugh Surridge, Neville Bidwell, Lynne Clarke, Mavis Spooner, and Vera Presland. Jill Geering created the backdrops for both plays.

The Eighties

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